Thursday, May 9, 2013

"Second Chances" By Max Lucado

"Second Chances" by popular Christian author Max Lucado is another in his long list of books that I found really interesting. In this one, he takes portions of some of his previous books and ties them together in one volume to show how the Lord loves us and is so willing to give us another chance when we mess up.  His love for His people was beautifully demonstrated in the Old Testament with His chosen people of Israel. Time and again, the people of Israel strayed from God, yet, He repeatedly rescued them.

In "Second Chances", Max gives us thirty short stories that demonstrate God's love for us and His willingness to forgive and heal us when we fall. God wants only the best for His children and while He will discipline those who stray, He is always with us and urges us to come to Him for forgiveness and cleansing, showing us that He still loves us and that all is never lost.  With God, Christian's today can receive His forgiveness and healing just as His Chosen ones in the Old Testament did.

I recommend "Second Chances" to anyone. It is an easy read full of encouragement for those who feel there is no hope for them. With God, there is always hope.