In "Unashamed To Bear His Name", R.T.Kendall explains the shame and stigma that accompanies following Christ and he shows how we can become "unashamed" in letting others know of our faith as we endevour to win the lost to salvation in Christ. He says, "What is so offensive about the Christian faith can be briefly summed up: Jesus Christ is the only way to God and faith in the blood that He shed on the cross fits a person for heaven when they die".
He begins with a short story of his life and faith and his 25 years as the senior minister of Westminster Chapel in London England (chapter 1) which I found interesting and appreciated his incuding it as I, for one, always like knowing something about the authors of books I read.
Following that are 14 chapters in which he expounds on the subject including "The Gospel", "The Most Important Question", "Name-Calling", " The Stigma Of Suspicion', etc.
While I didn't agree with a everything the author put forth, I did find the book a very interesting and thought provoking read. His style of writing is easy to follow and it flows nicely. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone interested in the subject.
I received this book free from Chosen, a division of Baker Publishing Group and Bethany House in exchange for an honest review. The words, except for the quote, are my own.
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