"Ascent From Darkness" by Michael Leehan is the disturbing, but true, story of a man's encounter with the dark side and satanism. Michael spent twenty years of his life in the service of Satan experiencing the dangerous power of the devil resulting in the loss of his family, jobs, friends, and almost his life until he encountered the love of Jesus and the salvation the Lord died to give him.
Over all, the book was a good read and two parts in particular really affected me. The first was as a result of his satanic dealings when he was told to kill a cat as a sacrifice by smothering her. Then he disposed of the cat by putting her in a bag and tossing it in a trash can. As a cat lover, I found that section very difficult to read and it had me in tears. The other part, fortunately on a much better note, was after Michael accepted Christ as his Savior he stopped to see his mother who he hadn't seen for quite awhile and who was in a nursing home. He told her of his salvation experience and prayed for her that she, too, would experience the love and salvation of Christ. Michael learned later that she died just a few weeks after his visit.
The book has several dark and depressing moments but ends in a very positive way showing what Christ can do even with someone as far gone as Michael was. He now ministers to others and encourages them to know that they, too, can experience a good life when they let Christ take the place of the Enemy. I recommend this book to everyone who is searching for the answers to life's cruelties. They, too, can know that Jesus Christ is the answer.
I received a free copy of "Ascent From Darkness" from the publishers in return for my written review. All that was asked was that give an honest assessment of the book. The words are my own.
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